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REAL RAILROADING! The world’s oldest and largest source for historic railroad videos.

Classic train DVDs produced from original historic railroad film. Sunday River’s historic rail videos are produced and edited in house. Where necessary, accurate sound has been added for realistic effect. Scrupulous historic research, brings you trackside in eras long gone by. Sunday River’s classic train DVDs are known world wide as the most comprehensive and authoritative available.

View our catalog by clicking on the historic railroad video categories. Our extensive classic rail catalog is being re-mastered on DVD so that access to these treasured train journeys will not be lost. We carry a full range of historic rail and even a “must-have” model railroad DVD. 

We hold ourselves to the tradition of excellence that was established by founder Alva Morrison, a passionate train enthusiast who researched and narrated the films – and occasionally rode the rails with the camera himself. We eagerly solicit your comments. If what you receive from us isn't better than expected, send it back for full refund or exchange. 

Be sure to sign up for our email newsletter to receive special offers and announcements of new classic train DVD releases throughout the year.



tay tuned for the latest updates about our new releases and commentary from some of the expert filmmakers who contributed to the these classic railroad films.

Filtering by Author: Ellen Sebring

Some of the Coolest Footage Ever...

Ellen Sebring

We recently traveled to Florida to interview Mac Owen to introduce the all new, never before seen release, "Steaming Through the Deep South," which he filmed in the 1960s. Watching and re-watching the footage, we notice many fantastic scenes that capture rail operations the way few of us will ever get to see them again. 

In Louisiana, the fireman chunks two-foot logs of wood through the firebox door to make steam. In Tennessee, the brakeman and conductor relax while riding the pilot beam of the engine down the main line. In Mississippi, the locomotive kicks a cut of cars into a siding and waits while the brakeman runs to catch up with them and stop them in time. In Arkansas, passengers lean out the doors and windows to catch the breeze while a real branch line mixed train steams through the woods to deliver the goods and bring the neighbors home. This is southern back-country railroading the way it really was. You can almost smell the woodsmoke, the coal smoke, and the valve oil.

Here's a preview: 

Read About it in "Trains" & See it in Action Here

Ellen Sebring

The May issue of TRAINS magazine feature article "Colorado Narrow Gauge, Tales from before  the tourists" has interviews with engineers and fireman who worked the Denver & Rio Grande before the end of steam. We're running a special on Colorado narrow gauge - High Mountain Steam! If you enjoy the article, you'd surely like the films!

Click here for video preview of Trains Magazine May Issue

Click HERE TO SHOP Sunday River's "High Mountain Steam"


expires Wednesday May 6, '15

The "geese" shown here were jazzed up for tourist service in the closing days of the Rio Grande Southern by adding seating to the freight box in a last gasp attempt to add a new source of revenue.  Imagine if the railroad had held out in tourist service until today, with Oprah skiing in Telluride and beer and music festivals all Summer long.  Eat your heart out, Durango!  The service ran much like a dude ranch, with twin out houses at the mid-station of Trout Lake labeled "goose" and "gander" for men and women.  It was popular, but due to lack of snowplows and freight, the RGS ceased operation in 1951.

First New Release of 2015 - Over Lizard Head Pass!

Ellen Sebring

High in the Colorado Rockies, Lizard Head Pass—elevation 10,222 feet (3,116 m)—presented a challenge for railroads, which lead in part, to the development of the fascinating fleet of Galloping Geese. The Rio Grande Southern hoped to stave off bankruptcy with these railcars that could substitute for full-sized steam trains for lighter loads and passenger traffic at much lower cost. The railcars carried cargo, the mail, and passengers to Rocky Mountain mining towns, “waddling” along the uneven track, and “honking” like geese with their old-style car horns.

See the Galloping Goose in action and much more dramatic high mountain steam in the new release, “Over Lizard Head Pass.”

Goose #2 at the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden

High Mountain Steam 2-Set

Over Lizard Head Pass

Ride the last steam passenger trains of the Rio Grande Southern and experience the world of real Colorado Narrow Gauge, amid the breath-taking peaks of southwest Colorado.

Across the Top

Gathered here in a single tape are the only known records of steam engines in motion across the highest railroad passes in North America. A feast for both the Narrow and Standard Gauge fan.

Over Lizard Head Pass

Ride the last steam passenger trains of the Rio Grande Southern and experience the world of real narrow gauge, amid the breath-taking peaks of southwest Colorado.

First new release of 2015!

Incredible Interurbans!

Ellen Sebring

Welcome aboard the world's most famous interurban line, running all the way from Chicago to Milwaukee. Half trolley and half streamlined railroad, this line competed with two other major railroads in intercity traffic for over half a century. Passengers in the streamlined, articulated "Electroliners" enjoyed meals while zipping along at 90 mph, but had the convenience of stepping off at street corners.  A masterpiece filmed by Frank Pfuhler with authentic sound by Russ Jackson.

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